Upcoming Events
NHANRS 2025 Annual Conference
@ the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH
Friday, January 24, 2025
Please join us for our 2025 Annual Conference at the Grappone Conference Center! We're excited to host presentations on a wide variety of topics at this years meeting including updates and talks from several agencies, including NHDES, NH Geological Survey, US Army Corps of Engineers, and NH Natural Heritage Bureau and a talk by Gillian Davies on the topic of carbon-conscious wetland restoration and creation. We will of course also have our annual business meeting during which the association will vote on proposed changes to the bylaws and installation of new board of director members.
Please click here for the conference agenda and registration
Introduction to Bird ID, Ecology & Habitat Course
UNH Cooperative Extension is offering an introduction course on bird identification, ecology, and habitat. It is a very popular online and field-based course with field trips offered in a variety of habitats at popular birding hotspots and at less-known birding locations throughout NH. The course will be led by Matt Tarr (Extension Professor & Wildlife Habitat Specialist, UNHCE) with help from other experienced birding instructors. This course is co-sponsored by the following partnering organizations: UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Fish & Game Department, NH Division of Forests & Lands, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Harris Center for Conservation Education, NH Audubon, National Audubon Society, Southeast Land Trust of NH, NH Timberland Owner’s Association, & NH State Parks.
Weekly Online Lessons occur March 8 – May 30 and can be completed on your own schedule
Optional Course Field Trips occur April 5 – June 28
Please see this PDF document for a complete course description, schedule, and list of field instructors. The course fills up fast, so please plan to register on February 4th.
Email if you would like to received the registration link that will be emailed on February 3rd.
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